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Sikkim Assistant Architect Syllabus 2024

    Sikkim Assistant Architect Syllabus 2024: Scheme and Syllabus of the Sikkim Public Service Commission (SPSC) Examination for the purpose of filling up of the post of Assistant Architect in Sikkim State Architect Service Department.

Sikkim Assistant Architect Syllabus 2024

    The Examination will consist of 2 (two) papers:

    Paper-I General English & General Knowledge 100 (MCQ & Conventional) 1.5 hours
    Paper-II Architecture 300 (MCQ & Conventional) 3.00 hours
    Viva-Voce/Personality Interview: 40 Marks


    In this section of the examination, the question will be designed to test the candidate's understanding and command over English language.

    Candidates will be required to answer questions designed to test their understanding of English and workman-like use of words. The pattern of questions would be broadly as follows:

    1. Comprehension of given passage.
    2. Precis writing.
    3. Usages and Vocabulary.
    4. Essay writing.


    In this portion of the exam, candidates will be tested on their knowledge of current events of local, National and International importance and of such matter of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of any educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will also include questions of Modern history (from 1857 onwards) of India, Indian Culture, Indian polity, Indian economy and Geography of India of such nature as candidates should be able to answer without Special Study and questions on the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. The questions will be of objective type.

    VIVA-VOICE/Personality Interview

    The candidates will be interviewed by the Commission who will have before them a record of his/her career. He/She will be asked questions on matters of general interest. The object of the interview is to assess the personality suitability of the candidate for the service post.

    The test is intended to judge the mental calibre of the candidate. In broad terms, this is really an assessment of not only his/her intellectual qualities but also social traits and his/her interest in current affairs. Some of the qualities to be judged are mental alertness, critical powers of assimilation, care and logical exposition, the balance of judgment, variety and depth of interest, ability for social cohesion and leadership, intellectual and moral integrity.


    In this section of the Examination, the questions will be conventional type and will cover areas of knowledge of the following subjects and topics:


    1. Architectural design:-Applying the knowledge gained in other subjects and to design building of medium complexity e.g. Schools, Colleges, Dispensaries, Shops and House etc and present them in graph form.
    2. Building Construction:-Knowledge of various methods of building construction of medium complexity with timber stone bricks concrete etc including foundation, walls, roofs, staircase, joinery and finishes.
    3. Building Materials and Science:-Knowledge of basic building materials and their behaviour such as bricks, stones, metals and timber and finishing materials. Effects of climate on built environment to be able to design for comfortable conditions.
    4. Architectural Drawing and Graphics:-Ability to present in Graphic form all elements of design -Study of shades and shadows, textures, tones, colours, geometrical forms, perspectives and projections, free hand drawing and rendering.
    5. History of Architecture:-Study of various styles of Architecture and methods of construction through the ages in the world with emphasis of Indian Architecture.
    6. Workshop Practice:-Ability to make building models with various materials such as Card-Board, wood, plastics, plaster of paris and metals. Ability to make simple joints in timber pipes and other materials.
    7. Landscape, design:-Understanding of Landscape elements like trees shrubs, plants, water, rocks and development of landscape planning and application in architectural design.
    8. Structural Mechanics and Theory of structures:-Understanding the structural concepts and behaviour of structural elements, simple calculations for columns, beams frames, footings, slabs walls in concrete, steel timber.
    9. Surveying and Levelling:-Understanding of various survey and levelling instruments, carrying out surveys of land of medium complexity and preparation of survey plants.
    10. Building Service & Equipment:-Study of and designing for Water Supply, drainages, sewerage disposal, electricity supply, wiring and lighting for buildings.
    11. Humanities:-Study of Sociology, Economic and Culture as applicable for design of human settlements.
    12. Estimating and Costings:-System of taking out quantities and estimating for all trades involved in construction of medium complexity.
    13. Principles of Human Settlement:- Man and environment, biological and behavioural response to human settlement. Ancient texts and treaties on settlement and area planning in India. Human settlements during ancient medieval and modern periods in India. Europe and other parts of the world. haracteristics of human settlements built by Muslim and Hindus rulers in India.


    1. Architectural Design, Planning and Thesis: Design of complicated buildings and Campus involving analytical studies of buildings and spaces from sociological. Economic and Cultural points of view, such as Universities, Industrial Estates, Housing Schemes etc. Thesis on a subject requiring detailed analytical study to lay down validity and design criteria presented in graphic form, models and report. Thesis may also be on research projects presented as a written report.
    2. Building Construction Materials and Specification:-Study of Advanced building construction methods with new material such as plastic, metals, synthetic boards and latest techniques in use of concrete.
    3. Building Sciences & Services:-Study of Accounts, Air-conditioning, Heating, Cooling Mechanical installations, fire control water supply and drainage system for complicated buildings.
    4. Town Planning Theory:-A general understanding of Town planning principles as they have evolved through the age.
    5. Professional Practise:-The examination in professional practice is designed to assess the knowledge, skill and maturity which fit the architect to fulfil his professional duties and his understanding to the management of an office organization of such as a purpose. The syllabus should cover the following areas of study. General principles of Indian Contract Act: Building Contracts generally, conditions and form of contract, Administration of contracts, Principles of Arbitration, Indian Arbitration Act, 1940. Valuation of properties, architectural competitions, encasement of properties, report writing, codes of practice, conditions of engagement, duties and responsibilities of an architect in relations to owner contractor, related professional and public, Indian Standards & Codes of Practice. (Planning and Building Legislation etc has been omitted because this is covered by building By-Laws-items 6).
    6. Building By-Law:-Study of building regulations to enable to design and prepare drawings for submission to concerned bodies.
    7. Structural Systems: Study of new structural technology such as space frames prestressing, shells and understanding of the limitations and scope of these techniques. Calculations for these techniques are not expected Electives such as:
      • • Housing
      • • Urban Design
      • • Interior Design
      • • Building Management
      • • Landscape Design
      • • Urban Planning
      Intensive study of one or more of the subjects offered as elective depending upon e expertise available to an institution. The list of the subject may be enlarged but they should be related to Architecture.

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